Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day Eleven of my Challenge - As promised more on one of my favorite Festivals we celebrated

After pondering yesterdays blog I think I've come to the conclusion that the universe delivers us situations based on our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and life. One can say "fate" delivers us opportunities, what we do with these chances that are offered determines our destiny. Which is always changing depending on our choices, our thoughts and our actions (or sometimes non action.)

So yes God has us exactly where we are supposed to be, surrounded by the people and circumstances that will give us the deepest reflection of our truth. The more we resist what is the longer it will stick around (good or bad). We must learn to accept what is, knowing it is for our highest good (which like a loving parent is the only thing the all loving universe wanst for us) so really it is about surrendering to what is so we can manifest what will be!

As promised I will tell you about one of my favorite Indian Festivals we celebrated a few weeks ago, it's called Bhaiya Dooj (or Bhai Doj)

"Nowhere is the bond of brotherly-sisterly love glorified with such grandeur as in India"

Sisters visit their brothers home and in a ceremony they put an auspicious mark called a tilak on the forehead of their brother, this is a mark of love and protection, they then perform aarti of him (a worship) by lighting sacred fire also known as holy flame, then they give their brothers a coconut which is considered God's Fruit. Sisters in turn are lavished with gifts and blessings from their brothers

My husband has two sisters both of which came and spent the day at our home. My son has six sisters and my daughter nine brothers, it made for a wonderful day filled with laughter and love.

These are some of the sweetest pictures of my children during the ceremonies.

My absolute favorite photo is this one of my son touching the feet of my daughter asking for blessings

There are few more festivals we celebrated that I will discuss further in future blogs for now I must Repose...


Lynda Thomas said...

Such a beautiful way of honoring those you love. It creates such a strong bond when it's celebrated and it's wonderful that Indian culture includes even the smallest of children in these ceremonies. You can see how much they want to be a part of everything and how happy it makes them. That obviously carries on throughout adulthood with the same type of pure love and joy.

balanced soul said...
