Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day Sixteen of my Challenge -

I am starting to feel a lot better, physically at least! I found another nice restorative yoga session online which seemed to bring some prana (life force) back to my body. I also did a meditation to OM being chanted this morning. It is one of my favorite pieces of sacred music to listen to, I find it so grounding and uplifting at the same time. OM is believed to be the divine vibration that started the earth (my Christian friends think of "let their be light") it said that we all, everything on Earth vibrates at the frequency of OM. The recorded healing properties associated with this auspicious chant are countless. I can't help but think what took me me so long to get back to it?

Along with some very nice words of encouragement from a number of you, a dear childhood friend sent me a link to this song with a note "this song always makes me think of you. Not sure if it's because you're one of the strongest and bravest people I know or if I imagine you saying this to me...wither way I wanted to share."

The kids and I have been listening to it all day, I think it has become a sort of anthem for my life and this challenge. It is taking courage to continue with this challenge, there are days I'd prefer to just crawl into a hole and hide but there is no turning back now and I'm grateful I've made myself accountable to you, its partly what keeps me going. Being accountable combined with the tastes of pure bliss and knowing the vitality I am capable of. Longing for the place of pure love we are made of, our natural state, and I personally will stop at nothing to achieve it again.

Sometimes we have to dissolve into the darkness, nothingness, sometimes our hearts have to break over and over again to let the light in, sometimes we have to get sick to appreciate our health. The beauty is rejoicing in the human-ness of it all.

But mostly we need to remember how big our brave is!

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