Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Friday, November 14, 2014

Day Three of my Challenge

Still cranky as heck, I think I lived in Repose today, any and every opportunity I could find I laid on my back with my arms and legs outstretched and thank God for it, I actually caught my breath, slightly anyway.

My mind won't stop swirling, a hundred different thoughts at once. It is a symptom of what's known as Monkey Mind. I know Repose is not about meditation but I am choosing to use it as such. I have to, there is no other time in the day for just me. So this potent pause has already been a gift showing me that my mind needs fixin' and now when I go into Repose there is no pressure to meditate or zone out but I try to simply become aware of where my mind is and allow it to run through it's various thoughts without trying to control or hold on to any of them. It is also assisting me with my yoga challenge I'm using it as a tool to check in with my body and see where I'm holding tension . And like I said today it saved me, and my loved ones. But the reality is I want to get to the source of why I'm reacting to everything the way I am because in truth I don't even know why I'm cranky and that is making me crankier!

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