Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Friday, November 21, 2014

Day Ten of my Challenge ~ everything and everyone around us is a direct reflection of ourselves

It is taught by many spiritual teachers that everything and everyone around us is a direct reflection of ourselves. Those negative people in our world that are making us crazy are in some way a part of our own inner turmoil. This was a rude awakening for me, I feel as though I've been dealing with more negativity coming at me than ever in my life over the last few months, and to ascertain that it was somehow me, well that was a hard pill to swallow, before this challenge that is.

If someone says something to you that you perceive as negative or hurtful than there is some part of you that believes their words to be true, according to the teachings of Bashar. Negative people are simply your own lack of self worth being reflected back to you, and they can be seen as a gift instead of a frustration. They show you where you still need to let the light in, where you still need to heal.

Looking at from that perspective has allowed me to be far less reactive to these negative situations and confrontations. In fact it has allowed me to make leaps and bounds in my own quest for inner peace.

And it appears the work is paying off, today everyone around me seemed to be in a wonderful mood. Hubby woke up laughing and dancing around our room with the children, he even took our daughter for the morning after dropping our son off at school so I could have some time to myself! I spent over an hour on my yoga mat doing a Restorative practice I found online. The kids seemed to laugh through the entire day and I found myself with far more patience and a much lighter heart.

During my Repose/meditation sessions I pondered two opposing lessons I've been receiving firstly that God (universe, source...) has us exactly where we are supposed to be. The second is that we are the only ones responsible for manifesting our reality as we know it. That our thoughts and our thoughts alone have created the world we live in.

I'd love your opinions on this.

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