"Loneliness is not the experience of what one lacks, but rather the experience of what one is. In a culture deeply entrenched in the rhetoric of autonomy and rights, the song of God's lonely man so often goes unvoiced and unheeded. It is ironic how much of our freedom we expend on power - on conquering death, disease and decay, all the while concealing from each other our carefully buried loneliness, which if shared would deepen our understanding of each other" ~ from The Philosophical Society
I'm sticking with the loneliness topic today because it is at the core of what I am and have been experiencing for many years and I think misunderstood by so many of you who sent me beautiful words of encouragement. My loneliness stems from something much deeper than a lack of social interactions.
A year or so ago I had a psychic recognize I was feeling lonely, she claimed the loneliness wasn't what I thought, it had nothing to do with people or where I was on this earth that it had to do with missing the realm from which I came. It brought tears to my eyes when she said it, my soul knew it as truth and my body had a physical reaction.
There has been so much written about this loneliness that those of us brave enough to set out on the spiritual path encounter. It usually starts as a feeling of not being fulfilled even when involved in the most loving of relationships. This is because it cannot be resolved by another person! This loneliness is part of the spiritual healing journey, the journey which takes us inside, back to our core, home to our truth. Which is exactly what this challenge is all about.
On another topic I wanted to share with you about receiving messages from animals. I've worked with animal energy for some time, I've known from a very early age animals have important messages for us, this became even more obvious for me once I began spending time with some Shaman and Native friends. If you see, hear, dream of or randomly think about an animal chances are it's trying to give you a message. My rule of thumb was always three, for instance say I'm checking my facebook feed and someone has posted a picture of a Shark. Then later that day Discovery Channel has a shark program on and then the next morning I'm dressing my son and he insists on wearing his "shark shirt" ding ding ding, its time to pay attention.
I'm normally pretty good at picking up the signals but today I realized Tiger energy has been trying to get my attention for a couple of weeks now.
It should have been obvious my son has even been pointing out all of the tigers in our world from Jagran with Goddess Durga to drives in our Holy town when he squealed in delight "tiger Mommy tiger which happened to be Durga once again,

There have been numerous movies with Tigers, an awful death at a Delhi zoo that involved a Tiger and even my kids favorite bed time story these days has a Tiger in it. Finally today I was like "duh Tigers" in fact my first shamanic journey to meet my spirit animal I was shocked and in awe when a Tigers image approached.
"In the kingdom of spirit animal, the tiger puts a special emphasis on raw feelings and emotions. The tiger symbolizes primal instincts, unpredictability and ability to trust yourself...it also means that you're overcoming fears and learning how to deal with strong emotions that once felt threatening but are becoming more and more manageable...the dark side of the tiger spirit animal is aggression...keep an eye on possible causes of fear, anger or deep frustration that seem to be escaping your conscious control." The Tigers message also includes a reminder "that persistence is what is necessary in order to attain your goals. Be patient, use tried and true methods, repeat them as necessary, use determination to get there. You will succeed..."
Messages are everywhere if we just learn to pay attention and once again I feel enlivened by the ones I'm receiving. Everything I'm feeling and experiencing is part of this process and to be expected and worked through. I know I'm on the right path and the universe keeps assuring me of this .
I'm sticking with the loneliness topic today because it is at the core of what I am and have been experiencing for many years and I think misunderstood by so many of you who sent me beautiful words of encouragement. My loneliness stems from something much deeper than a lack of social interactions.
A year or so ago I had a psychic recognize I was feeling lonely, she claimed the loneliness wasn't what I thought, it had nothing to do with people or where I was on this earth that it had to do with missing the realm from which I came. It brought tears to my eyes when she said it, my soul knew it as truth and my body had a physical reaction.
There has been so much written about this loneliness that those of us brave enough to set out on the spiritual path encounter. It usually starts as a feeling of not being fulfilled even when involved in the most loving of relationships. This is because it cannot be resolved by another person! This loneliness is part of the spiritual healing journey, the journey which takes us inside, back to our core, home to our truth. Which is exactly what this challenge is all about.
On another topic I wanted to share with you about receiving messages from animals. I've worked with animal energy for some time, I've known from a very early age animals have important messages for us, this became even more obvious for me once I began spending time with some Shaman and Native friends. If you see, hear, dream of or randomly think about an animal chances are it's trying to give you a message. My rule of thumb was always three, for instance say I'm checking my facebook feed and someone has posted a picture of a Shark. Then later that day Discovery Channel has a shark program on and then the next morning I'm dressing my son and he insists on wearing his "shark shirt" ding ding ding, its time to pay attention.
I'm normally pretty good at picking up the signals but today I realized Tiger energy has been trying to get my attention for a couple of weeks now.
It should have been obvious my son has even been pointing out all of the tigers in our world from Jagran with Goddess Durga to drives in our Holy town when he squealed in delight "tiger Mommy tiger which happened to be Durga once again,

There have been numerous movies with Tigers, an awful death at a Delhi zoo that involved a Tiger and even my kids favorite bed time story these days has a Tiger in it. Finally today I was like "duh Tigers" in fact my first shamanic journey to meet my spirit animal I was shocked and in awe when a Tigers image approached.
"In the kingdom of spirit animal, the tiger puts a special emphasis on raw feelings and emotions. The tiger symbolizes primal instincts, unpredictability and ability to trust yourself...it also means that you're overcoming fears and learning how to deal with strong emotions that once felt threatening but are becoming more and more manageable...the dark side of the tiger spirit animal is aggression...keep an eye on possible causes of fear, anger or deep frustration that seem to be escaping your conscious control." The Tigers message also includes a reminder "that persistence is what is necessary in order to attain your goals. Be patient, use tried and true methods, repeat them as necessary, use determination to get there. You will succeed..."
Messages are everywhere if we just learn to pay attention and once again I feel enlivened by the ones I'm receiving. Everything I'm feeling and experiencing is part of this process and to be expected and worked through. I know I'm on the right path and the universe keeps assuring me of this .
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