Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day twenty one and twenty two of my Challenge ~ The Goddess in Me

I've realized I have created a bit of undue stress in my life with this blog, trying to get something posted every day has led me to being short with the kids when I'm trying to concentrate on writing, it's led my mind to wander while in Repose or on my Yoga mat and offered me a distraction from the very thing I am trying accomplish, presence and inner peace.

I haven't touched my novel in well over a year now and for the second time since being prompted to write a book the universe has dropped an editor in my lap who is patiently awaiting my draft. I'm learning priorities and coming to terms with a self induced laziness that seems to accompany my Indian housewife friends and family. We work hard cooking and cleaning but spend the free time of of day watching serials (soap operas) or scanning the internet and while I'm honoring my role as a stay at home Mom I must continue to manifest more for this life.

While manifesting is an important part creating the life we dream of I'm still catching myself in thinking about whats next instead of being here now. In fact I just ate a late night dinner while editing this post, so not how I want to live this precious gift of life. That being said no need to worry I'll still keep blogging, I love sharing my world with you but I have decided I'm only going to post two days a week and I'm asking for those of you who have still not subscribed to my blog to please do so. You'll help my numbers which will bring advertisers and higher stats on google. More importantly you won't miss out on my intended Wednesday and Saturday posts. There may be more here and there but I have to focus on doing more of what I'm writing about instead of focusing on turning all of my doings into writing.

Maybe just maybe I'm getting somewhere with this challenge, despite the fact that once again I'm riddled with aches and pains, feel like I'm fighting yet another cold and can't seem to get a good nights sleep! That plus every time I get dressed somehow I manage to put my clothes on backwards, what is up with that?

My friends have left but not before we enjoyed an evening at Vashino Devi Complex it is eleven acres of Goddess enchantment! Goddfess seems to be a recurring theme in my world right now. As if an awakening is happening not just for me but for many women and men, even earth herself. It was actually my first time inside the ashram and grounds and I loved sharing the experience with a fellow Canadian also on her path of invoking Goddess energy into her world.

As I stood underneath the gigantic statue of one of the forms of Goddess Durga I  thought about why I along with most women have somehow believed we are not enough when the very opposite is true. I could feel my inner Goddess vibrating, my heart pounded a rhythmic beat and I wanted to roar like the Lion she was sitting on. Being a woman is power, we are Shakti! Shakti is feminine energy, the word is Sanskrit which is one of the very first languages on earth and it literally translates to "to be able" "power" and "empowerment." If we find a way to connect to our feminine roots we can begin to understand that we are way more than enough, we have so much potential running through our bodies, emanating from our souls.

How have we gotten so far removed from our divine feminine roots? I'm asking the universe (God, Source...) to please direct me in connecting back to it at once!

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