The weather is beautiful here in our Holy town in India right now, a sweater and socks in the mornings and at night but the days are glorious, not to hot not to cold, just perfect. So I decided fresh air was the order of the day and took my friends to the Holy River Yamuna, as long as I didn't touch her or partake in any ceremonies it was fine. Yamuna Ji is a slow flowing river that brings with her a calm that one must experience, there are not enough words to describe the peace that fills your entire being while seated on her banks.

The place is littered with the monkey mafia but even these pesky creatures are calmer when in her presence.
I breathed in her essence and thought about how she was in no rush to get anywhere, just gracefully flowing by. It was a dawning of sorts, I'm not one who spends to much time in the past but I often catch myself in the future focusing on what else needs to be done or wondering what adventure will come next and this my friends keeps me from the very thing I am seeking; presence. Being present, exactly where I am, centered in the beautiful moment, which is the only time that exists, I felt myself slip deeper into the now.

We strolled along her banks and up to my Spiritual Guesthouse where construction is still underway, the walk through the 'old' section of town is equivalent to walking back in time, not much has changed, the ancient buildings remain intact and the limited construction that is occurring appears to be in line with our goal to restore Vrindavan to its ancient glory.
We sat and enjoyed Chai at one of the stalls along our stroll and began feeding a beautiful cow. I've mentioned before Cows are considered sacred in India, they are our second mother, meaning we go from our mothers breast to cows milk, therefore she should be revered at Jai Ma (male cows are revered for their hard work in the fields like our fathers.)
We were enjoying her company when I thought for a moment about my Indian sister in laws and how they avoid cows like a plague, then I had a fleeting thought that this one could head butt me. My friend seated across from me asked me to lean in for a picture with the cow, who must have heard her and swung her head towards mine sure enough head butting me.
I was stunned, it didn't really hurt it was more of a tap than an actual head butt, I'm not sure she intended to actually clunk my head but it left me questioning why? Why after all this time and all the love encounters I've had with cows did I get clunked. thus instilling some fear? If there is meaning in everything surely there is in this encounter.
My only conclusion is intuition, while I consider myself to be a pretty good energy reader and have kept myself out of trouble by honoring those warning signals from my intuition this time I didn't listen because it didn't come from my gut, it was a fleeting thought.
Is it possible intuition can be that subtle when it cautions a non traumatic event? Just a fleeting thought of caution? Then I'm left wondering how does one then decipher between the warning signs of intuition and just plain old fear?
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