Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Scribbles from my world...

The inner work continues. like a yo yo I'm up I'm down but the beautiful part is I'm in it. 

I don't have the energy or the time to write right now, I'm releasing and my energy needs to be there, not distracted which is so tempting to do. In this place of liberation I have surrendered, I am not trying to change it, or hurry it, or make it anything other than what it is. I offer myself and all that I am and hope to become to this pivotal stage. 

But in an effort to stay true to the writing, sharing process I will leave you this week with some notes I scribbled that seem to sum up the process I am undergoing:

The ocean takes a breath, I feel myself do the same. It’s shifting, swirling, moving with no sense of direction yet every sense of purpose

I feel the energy shifting in my body, my vibration is rising. 

I feel in sync with the chaos of the ocean. 

Waves climb their way up onto the rocks, sliding and cascading content to just make a splash.

The ocean breaths in once again, I do the same. 

The waves reach higher, a deeper sense of urgency stirs in my soul. Big waves, small waves, hardly a ripple, it’s all the same water…

The ocean takes a breath I do the same

~ In Love and Light Beautiful Souls

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