I received a lot of feed back after my last blogpost and I thank each of you who took the time to share your truth, your experiences, offer your wisdom and advice but most of all I thank you for the love and encouragement as I continue to open up further to the light.
I'm still processing all that I am going through, working with the wonderful messages that are coming forth and doing my best to integrate changes.
As I mentioned in my last blog "I am open and ready to receive guidance" but I've discovered staying open isn't always easy, especially when you hear things that you don't want to believe as true! So this week I've been practicing remaining open to all of the suggestions no matter how foreign they may sound.
Many people pray or ask for guidance but then they don't take the time to listen to the whispers from spirit around them or simply shrug off the bombardment of signs aka messages that are delivered, I committed myself to understanding that only God, my angels, my higher self, were speaking to me this week. That absolutely everything I heard was a message for my emotional health and healing.
So even when I heard proposals like "you should consider medication" or "it's the devil" I remained open despite the negative aspect of ego that did everything it could to close me down. When I felt the resistance I took time to truly see what I was actually resisting and find the pearl of truth that was being offered by this particular angel's message.
I'll start with the suggestion that I should consider medication because this one came in a few times and I immediately scoffed. While I'm grateful for the existence of pharmaceuticals, especially in those times when assistance is needed during the healing process, I do however believe that without getting to the (spiritual) root of the issue and simply medicating the medication will just act as a band-aid, the underlying issue will not dissolve it will simply manifest in other areas.
But in an effort to remain open I committed to seeking professional help if I couldn't make headway by the end of the month, And furthermore I contemplated what was said "you should consider medication" and the reality "medicine" for me has always been more about supplements and vitamins and even more importantly from an Ayurvedic philosophy food.
Ayurveda is a ancient medical care system that translates to the science (or knowledge) of life. My very first trip to India was for an Ayurvedic retreat where I learned the importance of eating the right foods for my body type. Healthy food doesn't always mean its the correct food, shocking I know!

So remembering my teachings here in India I understand anger is related to a Pitta imbalance so this is where I've begun, with the help of a trusted Ayurvedic Doctor and my own knowledge I am eating a much more mindful diet, and taking time to find the balance needed for this dosha.
If your interested in finding out more about Dosha's click the link to take the free Dosha quiz.
And when my dear friend told me it was "the Devil and I needed to rebuke the devil verbally". I had visions of me loosing my *hit then claiming a defence of ' the devil made me do it!' my ego encouraged me to laugh it off but once again my commitment to remain open over ruled and I took a breath, asked her to give a me moment to let her words find a truth somewhere inside of me.
I don't believe in the devil or hell as many Christian's see it, so it was a little hard for me to swallow but then I thought about what the devil does represent to me. I believe the devil is a personification of what does not serve our highest version of self, the distractions (demons) that keep us from being in our naturally blissful (Christ Conscious) state. Again an angel had spoken and I was heeding the advice which was put to the test later that day; when I felt angry I cried out "Nope, this is not me or mine. Universe show me instead where to direct this energy"
Shortly afterwards it was suggested that "I stomp my feet like a child having a tantrum to let it out," something that makes my kids laugh out loud and the sound of their giggles is enough to soothe any angry mood like they say laughter is the best medicine!
Many people proposed I work on grounding myself one that stood out particularly recommended physically touching the ground, then my husband was watching a movie and when the student was consumed by his anger his Sensei (martial arts teacher) had him 'take a knee.' See what I mean friends, advice from the divine was/is all around ;)

And so the Spiritual adventure continues and I invite you to join me...
Can you commit for one week? One week of understanding that only God (insert whatever you want here: universe, source, spirit...) is talking to you? Let go of all resistance to anything and everything you hear and see if a pattern arises that is offering you a gateway to walk through, so you too may be more aligned with your truth? I'd love to hear about the experience...
~ In Love and Light beautiful souls
1 comment:
Another interesting perspective on listening carefully. Should be an interesting week as I follow your advice!
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