Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 days and 40 nights

With the beginning of Lent I've decided for the first time in my life to partake. I've done a lot of fasting in conjunction with Hindu holy days, I've challenged myself with different ventures i.e. forty days of yoga, so this time I've decided  to do a bit of both. I'm giving up something I adore as is customary with Lent; giving up certain luxuries as a form of penitence, and not that I buy into the whole "we are sinners" mentality I do however think denial of something we enjoy can help to create attunement with source by helping us to focus the mind. So I'll be abstaining from one of my favorite foods, chocolate and I'm already missing it!

The second portion is in conjunction with my Happiness Project. For years I have kept a gratitude journal on and off, we've all heard about the studies that have shown a wide range of benefits in the simple act of writing down the things for which we are grateful; better sleep, less stress, general happiness booster and I can tell you it works but recently I have fallen off the wagon so for the next forty days I'm going to do something similar just a slightly different take. Inspired by a friend I'm going to share what my happiest moment of each day has been.

Today my heart both melted in sadness and shear joy when I looked over at my son, he hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days and today he sat having his morning skype date with his father, my husband who is currently at our home in India, he had his head laying on the desk drinking his bottle, random giggles as he stared up at his papa who was playing a version of peek a boo with him. The love between them brings such happiness to my heart!

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