Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"

Confucius was right when he spoke the words above and I am blessed to have this as my reality, I have always worked doing what I love and whenever it began to feel like a job either myself or the universe moved me along. 

I know how lucky I am to not have to work at this stage in my life. Dedicating my world to my children (which is a whole other realm of work as any mother will tell you) is a gift, it also allows me to play with dreams. I talked in my last blog about the areas I was going to focus this month and I'm happy to say it was pretty easy to stay focused. I managed to submit my first article to Elephant Journal just awaiting news to see if, or rather when, they will publish it, and hopefully you will all check it out when it happens! I haven't managed to find the time for my novel but I still have a few days left!

My conscious consumer brand Balanced Soul Clothing and Accessories hosted a number of trunk shows and we attended our first expo 

it was a lot of fun and a great networking event. We have so many ideas moving forward and each of my partners is brimming with excitement as we continue to grow and manifest our dreams.

I also helped my husband with his dream of beginning a charity trust called "The Vrindavan Restoration Society" it's mission is to acquire and restore the ancient temples and sites of Vrindavan. Right now our town is in the middle of a development boom, my husband works in property and is doing what he can to create sustainable development while keeping the sacred look and feel of our auspicious town, unfortunately most others are not. They see profit in demolishing these ancient buildings to make way for "modern conveniences" not understanding that India's appeal comes from its history not its ability to provide western experiences. If you'd like more information on our projects there will be a website and facebook page available soon, or you can e-mail and I'll gladly send you more information. 

The beautiful part is nothing this month has felt like work and because I'm sharing the experience with you I knew I couldn't slack and had to be accountable for accomplishing my goals. Three months into my Happiness Project am I feeling happier? I'm definitely more focused and aware, which lends itself to a sense of direction, which coincides with an inner peace, which ultimately makes me feel happy, so yes I'd say I'm well on way! 

Have you jumped on the Happiness bandwagon yet??
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Friday, March 14, 2014

Making it work!

I gave up my career when I moved to India years ago knowing I'd be led to the appropriate gateways for my next passion driven money maker. Turns out Motherhood was my next big endeavor and while the pay sucks from a monetary perspective the hugs and kisses are worth their weight in gold. I love that I don't have to work outside the home and get to dedicate my days to my two little starseeds but there are stirrings in my heart, tunes that are awaiting there moment to be heard.

Admittedly I've had my hands in a few to many pots lately and this month is about getting focused, bringing things to the front burner that need just a little more attention and putting things on the back burner that only need the simmer of intention.

One of my biggest dreams will be manifested soon enough; in India we own a Spiritual Guesthouse; we refer to it as a "Spiritual Guesthouse" because of our ability to provide an ashram type experience without the pomp and circumstance surrounding a guru. We offer retreats, workshops, tours and an array of healing modalities, something I've been passionate about and preparing for for decades our goal is to help you connect with your most authentic truth. We are in the middle of major renovations and it is taking a little longer than anticipated, our building is over two hundred years old and we want to keep the original infrastructure so not to loose the ancient feel of the space while bringing it up to par with modern day comforts. Its images remain on my vision board and a notebook filled with ideas stays close by but with so many other items that also need attention this one heads to the back burner and when the work is done I promise you'll be one of the first to know!

A link to Gopalj Dham Spiritual Guesthouse

We've been living our lives between India and Canada and to often while I'm visiting friends and family in the west I get stopped and asked "where did you get your outfit?" So last year along with some co-conspirators we began importing from India for sale in the West. Balanced Soul Clothing and Accessories was developed for the conscious consumer, when we choose pieces and while creating our own designs there are always a few focus points; our items are made with nontoxic materials, created without any kind of child or forced labor and cruelty free. It’s an answer to corporate consumerism we support “Mom and Pop” shops in India and offer select designer items that meet our criteria for grass roots conscious shopping. I've had to redefine my role with this endeavor; turns out I come across as a a bit of a control freak, more so because I feel if I don't do it won't get done, so this month I had some much needed conversations with the other two Goddesses involved with this project and have decided to  step back slightly and have them take over the reins.

A link to Balanced Soul Clothing and Accessories

The other boiling pot on the stove is my writing, this blog included. I had visions of grandeur when I began this blog almost four years ago but I have slacked. This year I made a new commitment to get back to regular blogging and I have definitely posted more but its been random and hasn't really garnered me many new views and only a handful of new followers, I think its been more confusing than anything for you and me. So I've decided to scale back and focus my writing where it needs to be. I will continue to blog but only once a week, I'll do my best to post every Thursday and I hope you'll continue to log on and read and don't forget if you like what you've read please share!

I've been toying with a  novel for over three years now only to have it lost, somehow the file, even the backed up version, has become corrupted. I have to trust that it just wasn't going in the direction it needed to go. I read that if you write 1,000 words a day, you can finish the first draft of a novel in less than three months, even if you take some days off! I started this month saying "Awesome! I can do that!", to date I have written this blog and an article for Elephant Journal that I still haven't submitted.

Guess I have to take some more time and truly decide what is important to me on a work front... Like what you've read? you can support my efforts by clicking below and making a donation, thank you for your continued support

Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 days and 40 nights

With the beginning of Lent I've decided for the first time in my life to partake. I've done a lot of fasting in conjunction with Hindu holy days, I've challenged myself with different ventures i.e. forty days of yoga, so this time I've decided  to do a bit of both. I'm giving up something I adore as is customary with Lent; giving up certain luxuries as a form of penitence, and not that I buy into the whole "we are sinners" mentality I do however think denial of something we enjoy can help to create attunement with source by helping us to focus the mind. So I'll be abstaining from one of my favorite foods, chocolate and I'm already missing it!

The second portion is in conjunction with my Happiness Project. For years I have kept a gratitude journal on and off, we've all heard about the studies that have shown a wide range of benefits in the simple act of writing down the things for which we are grateful; better sleep, less stress, general happiness booster and I can tell you it works but recently I have fallen off the wagon so for the next forty days I'm going to do something similar just a slightly different take. Inspired by a friend I'm going to share what my happiest moment of each day has been.

Today my heart both melted in sadness and shear joy when I looked over at my son, he hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days and today he sat having his morning skype date with his father, my husband who is currently at our home in India, he had his head laying on the desk drinking his bottle, random giggles as he stared up at his papa who was playing a version of peek a boo with him. The love between them brings such happiness to my heart!

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