A dear friend of mine and fellow blogger English Wife, Indian Life recently posted fifty things she loves about India. She is still in the honeymoon stage having only lived here for one year but her enthusiasm inspired me to think about what I love about my simple little Indian Holy Town and my life here half a decade in.
As you know by now I am rekindling my love affair with life and one of the best pieces of advice I received was; whenever someone is frustrating you the best thing you can do is to write down all the things you love about the person, this has worked wonders for me and the relationships I have with everyone around me. I was easily frustrated by everyone and everything last year as I worked through some of my own *hit, this nugget helped me keep it in perspective.
While my love affair with India is complex and like any true relationship it has its highs and lows I figured now was as good a time as any to reflect on what makes my heart smile in my India.
In no particular order the things I love about life in India:

1. Door to door salesmen. You never know who is going to show up! There are men selling blankets and others selling bed sheets. There's fresh fruit or vegetables, warm roasted peanuts and freshly popped pop corn. cotton candy or balloons. Sometimes it's sari's or shoes, men's shirts, you name it and chances are they can be found walking through the streets selling it. My personal favorite, and the one I always make time for, the suit guy!

I can't tell you how many times I have thought to myself , as an example, "I'd love to make french fries if only I had some more potatoes" and I hear "SUBZI" being yelled outside of our gate (subzi is Hindi for vegetables)

Coincidences as defined by a dictionary: "a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection"
I don't believe in coincidence as defined by mainstream. I don't think you are reading this blog randomly, I believe everything happens for a reason, exactly as it should. "Whether you call it synchronicity or coincidence these random events are signposts that can help you successfully navigate life" according to the book, and my experience,
"When God Winks"

While I have been aware of coincidence as a gateway since reading James Redfield's "The Celestine Prophecy" back in the early nineties and have implemented trust in these 'coincidences' ever since, which ultimately led me here to India in the first place! The synchronicity of events here in India somehow seems amplified and has reconfirmed all that I believed to be true. It's as if synchronicity and the power of manifestation are at the forefront of life.
Messages or "prompts" as I call them get delivered at accelerated rates, if I follow the prompt things flow quite easily if I don't the prompts get louder. My own power of manifesting something as simple as "the kids are acting out a bit it would be great if an opportunity arrived to distract them" and a balloon wallah shows up are developing at a record pace.
Well my dear friends I've taken something simple like a list of what I love about life in India and twisted it into a tale of spiritual adventure. Not at all was this the intention when I sat down to make this list which has much more on it than door to door salemen. But once again this story of mine and the way my mind works is always revolving around the spiritual side of existence so I'm surrendering and trusting the process, even when it comes to this blog. I will continue with the list allowing each thing that makes my heart smile to become its own post, stay tuned for number two in what I love about life in India...
Follow @1balancedsoul
As you know by now I am rekindling my love affair with life and one of the best pieces of advice I received was; whenever someone is frustrating you the best thing you can do is to write down all the things you love about the person, this has worked wonders for me and the relationships I have with everyone around me. I was easily frustrated by everyone and everything last year as I worked through some of my own *hit, this nugget helped me keep it in perspective.
While my love affair with India is complex and like any true relationship it has its highs and lows I figured now was as good a time as any to reflect on what makes my heart smile in my India.
In no particular order the things I love about life in India:

I can't tell you how many times I have thought to myself , as an example, "I'd love to make french fries if only I had some more potatoes" and I hear "SUBZI" being yelled outside of our gate (subzi is Hindi for vegetables)

Coincidences as defined by a dictionary: "a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection"
I don't believe in coincidence as defined by mainstream. I don't think you are reading this blog randomly, I believe everything happens for a reason, exactly as it should. "Whether you call it synchronicity or coincidence these random events are signposts that can help you successfully navigate life" according to the book, and my experience,
"When God Winks"

While I have been aware of coincidence as a gateway since reading James Redfield's "The Celestine Prophecy" back in the early nineties and have implemented trust in these 'coincidences' ever since, which ultimately led me here to India in the first place! The synchronicity of events here in India somehow seems amplified and has reconfirmed all that I believed to be true. It's as if synchronicity and the power of manifestation are at the forefront of life.

Well my dear friends I've taken something simple like a list of what I love about life in India and twisted it into a tale of spiritual adventure. Not at all was this the intention when I sat down to make this list which has much more on it than door to door salemen. But once again this story of mine and the way my mind works is always revolving around the spiritual side of existence so I'm surrendering and trusting the process, even when it comes to this blog. I will continue with the list allowing each thing that makes my heart smile to become its own post, stay tuned for number two in what I love about life in India...
Such a beautiful post!
I can always hear the wallas calling from my bedroom, I have my personal favourites who are very creative in the way that they call out haha!!
Lots of loveeee xx
I know, its so much fun to listen to them! Love right back at ya sweetness
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