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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday's Wisdom

Wednesday's Wisdom is back!

This one made me stop and really contemplate life and how easily it can shift...

So much can happen in one day. our worlds can be forever altered.

I remember when I was just twenty one years old and I had just moved back to my home town my best friend and I went out for an evening of dancing and fun, the next day she wasn't feeling well and I had a million things to do i.e. finding job, renting an apartment etc... I was to busy over the next couple of days for a visit, we chatted briefly on the phone then on the third day I received a phone call from her mother, turns out my bff not feeling well was actually kidney failure and she passed away. My world forever altered in one day.

My husband looked at me and smiled, my life forever altered in one day.

After reading the above words of wisdom not only did it make me for grateful for my days, simply as they are, no trauma or drama's to report, but also for the excitement of what else can unfold in just one day...

There are so many more examples I could share but I'm sure you get it and you too have experienced this "change" in just one day. I'd love to hear your stories and if you'll agree I'd even share some of them next week. Tell me how has one day changed your life? You can comment below or email me

My series "What I love about Life in India" will continue this weekend!

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