Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Monday, February 17, 2014

A cure for the Monday blues ~ clap along...

Pharrell Williams song "Happy" has become a theme song in our home. My children are as addicted to it as me. If you haven't heard it have a listen to the link below. It is is incredibly refreshing, this day in age especially since my move to India I've been having a hard time connecting to mainstream western music, sadly I find the same theme beginning in Indian culture I find its all to often about sex, drugs or money and as of late not many songs can put a smile on my face which is a shame because music can play an important role in shaping our mood . But low and behold this little gem is soaring to popularity with a message that fits my goal of this year; more happiness. Pharrell is actually promoting happiness from within, not from finding someone to love, or having more money than he knows what to do with and most importantly not from partying the night way with alcohol and drugs.

Act the way you want to feel has been an important lesson for me this year. If you want more energy you have pretend you already have it, i.e. you may not feel much like exercising but once you drag your arse off the sofa and do it you'll feel revitalized. I'm not talking about being fake but if you want to be happy you have to act happy until happiness becomes your natural state of being.

I'm posting this on a Monday for a couple of reasons but mostly to put a smile on the faces of any of you who are suffering from Monday blues. I've been there, almost depressed about having to start the week all over again. That's when I began making changes, so I ask if you do have Monday blahs ask yourself Why? Is it a little bit of laziness? That's okay it happens to all of us. Do you wish you could put the covers over your head and stay in bed? Why? Is it a genuine disdain the work you have to do today? One of the most profound questions I asked myself was why I had to work five days a week and play for two, I quickly made other arrangements (on a side note the money followed.) If you don't like how you have to spend the majority of your time  why do you do it?

Life is short and we have thousands of excuses to not do what makes us the happiest but are any of them valid? Are any worth it? They say "Happiness is the journey not the destination" for me this means we live our happiness every single day in all that we do! Don't get me wrong, there will be ups and downs I'm not a complete Pollyanna but many people don't even know what truly makes them happy. In the song below Pharrell sings "clap your hands if you know what happiness is to you?" What would make you the happiest? Once you know the only thing left to do is take the steps to make happiness the journey of your life?

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