Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stopping the excuses!

I've been doing it, well I've been doing better at not making excuses anyway. Not only have I been finding time to do some writing but I've managed to get on my yoga mat almost daily! I aim for twenty minutes, sometimes I get a little more, sometimes its a little less but every minute is a gift I'm giving to myself. My practice doesn't run smooth most days, its often interrupted by my toddler using me as his personal jungle gym or my eight month old wanting to be directly on the mat with me. I do my best to not get frustrated, I keep telling myself the novelty will wear off but thus far I'm still like a day at the circus for them but more and more my heart smiles and I embrace it knowing I won't always be the center of their world. I breathe in the love and use the experience as a metaphor; the reality of Yoga is far more than a mat practice. In life there are tones of distractions around to keep us from the goal of yoga; which translates to union, union of self to source, a melting point where our higher self and physical self are one. All I can do incorporate them into my practice when they wish to be present, they are implanted in my world so it only makes sense they be an influence on my asana practice.

They say the way you approach your mat is a direct reflection of how you approach life; I approach my mat with reverence, a bit of excitement to see what will transfold but there is usually some hesitation as well. I'm discouraged by my lack of flexibility, which in itself shows I also have a bit of self judgment. There is a rigidness in my body that doesn't seem to match my personality. I'd like to reason that bearing two children in the last two years is a valid excuse for my inflexibility but I could hardly touch my toes before they came to be. I figured most people would describe me as pretty easy going, I'd like to think I can surrender to the flow but perhaps this is a truth I've yet to see about myself, could it be possible that I am not as easy going as I perceive myself to be?

After a discussion with the woman who knows me best the one who can tell me the absolute truth that even I may not see (speaking of my Mother of course), it turns out that "easy going" is not really what comes to mind when describing me. Easy to get along with yes, kind, wonderful, inquisitive and dozens more lovely adjectives but easy going? Not really, She laughed saying "easy going as long as things are going your way."

I too laughed because it hit a truth chord in me, one I was vaguely familiar with. I tend to get things my way, I was raised an only child, the first grandchild, always had lots of friends who seemed to enjoy playing they games I wanted to play. I was never referred to as spoiled because I had gratitude and compassion even at a young age, but along with that I had a knack for getting what I wanted. So what does all of this mean? Was I a control freak and not even aware of it? Nobody I talked to would ever label me as a control freak. The fact that I've succumb to my children hijacking my mat practice shows I can adapt and find a way to enjoy what life throws at me. So I'm left to ponder labels, purpose and truth. I'm feel I'm on the cusp of a huge revelation about myself, I can feel it vibrating in my core, my cells are alive and senses are hightend, now its time to retreat and see what transpires... Hi Friends, my goal is to make a career out of writing, if you would like to support my efforts you can do so by clicking below and making a donation, thank you for your continued support


Anonymous said...

Lovely post! It must be so hard to find time with the kids. I only have 1 daughter and I find it difficult to find time! I'm resuming going back to yoga this week too.

balanced soul said...
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balanced soul said...

Yes Alexandra indeed! Sorry for the late response, did you head back to yoga? It makes such a difference don't you find?
Be Well Sweet Soul