Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Friday, February 11, 2011

Let the past go, it's time to move on.

So here it is…my blog. It’s amazing how nervous I feel putting my writing (and life) out here to be judged. I’m doing it for a number of reasons but mainly because of the continuous requests from family, friends and even acquaintances, I guess somehow I am living a life that intrigues them. I’m from a small province in Canada and a few years ago I was on the verge of a breakdown, to quote Oriah Mountain Dreamer “I wasn’t dead. I wasn’t alive. I was suspended in a near life experience.” Walking around in this haze I begged the universe for a sign, to point me in the right direction and like anytime I surrendered asking a higher force for help I was prompted time and time again until I finally listened. First a friend who had applied for Law school was waiting for her admission results, when I asked her what she would do if she didn’t get accepted she replied “take a trip to India” something inside me stirred. A week later I was sitting in front of the television eating a tub of ice cream feeling sorry for myself when the haunting sound of devotional chanting brought tears to my eyes, I broke down on the sofa as I let the Sanskrit mantras call to my heart. I picked up a copy of “Eat Pray Love” and as I read Elizabeth Gilbert’s story I decided right then and there I would take a few months off and travel to this sacred land. I searched online to find an ashram but was overwhelmed by the choices so again I reverted to prayer. “Umm God, I was wondering if you can help me figure out where I am supposed to go once in India?” That day I received an e-mail from a friend, it held a link to a Yoga Course. I booked my plane ticket.
This blog is not about that adventure (that adventure is in my novel which is three quarters finished and I can guarantee you’ll be the first to know when it’s being published!) This blog is my present reality as I sit in Canada anxiously awaiting my visa back into the country I am now ready to call home. It took me just shy of two years to build up the courage to leave everything especially the comforts of familiarity and move to India. After four trips East I realized I was only working to get back to the land I longed to be in. So now I am ready to go into the chaos to find my peace, join me as I chronicle my spiritual adventures (or rather misadventures) as a foreigner living in a Holy city, completely immersed in the culture, doing my best to honour my Canadian roots while quenching the thirst of my heart to live the Indian way in an effort to find balance in my soul…


Unknown said...

Radhika I am looking forward to following your blog, you have such an amazing gift for writing. Your words are as beautiful as you are! <3

daya saraswati dasi said...

yay! i am so excited to be following your blog:) if you want to follow mine too, it's
we have such similar stories it's a bit eerie... right down to the book we read and the thoughts we had when deciding to go... and it was kirtan that brought me to the mother land as well... and has helped my heart to heal the MANY wounds i have and many others have inflicted on it in the past 39 years... ommmmmm radhe radhe!!!!!! love, jennifer

Anonymous said...

I came here by way of Jennifer and am so glad I did. You are mirroring many beautiful things to me, and I am happy to do the same for you. I look forward to learning more as you journey further into India and your heart.

balanced soul said...

@ Tiffany and Jennifer thank you so much for your friendship! I love you. @ Alice it is wonderful to meet you here it is always exciting to connect with someone who is also on a path of self realization, lovelovelove.

Tanya Bellefontaine said...

You are such an inspiration my friend. I am beyond happy for you that you have been able to follow your heart and soul to your beloved India. Be safe always and know that so many people love and support you. You are truly an amazing person and I am honored to call you my friend. Love always. xo


kismet said...

My gosh, you sound so much like me, I'm so glad I found your blog. Well, I'm a few more years down the track than you... I did my terrifying move over 3 years ago now (to Mumbai), and there were a couple of years building up to it as well. I've also been married to my Indian sweetheart for a few years! And my book about my journey will be published later this year. Your journey reminds me so much of the hope, faith, and wonder I had at the start of mine. It's a daunting but magnificent and exciting thing reinventing your life. I really wish you all the best. I'm sure your courage will be rewarded like mine was. I'm Sharell by the way. My blog is (I can only log in to your blog and post my comment using Google unfortunately because the name/url option doesn't seem to be activated).

Marta said...

Hey Radhika, am looking forward to seeing your blog posts coming! Happy blogging and welcome to the community! x M