It's interesting that it has been five months since my last post and as I read it I'm fascinated to find myself in exactly the same space. Realizing that the real joy in my life comes from enjoying my children.
This time around the adjustment back in India was a bit more of a struggle, I think mainly in part because I was away for an extended period. My love affair with India started to wither upon my return, I began to notice the garbage on the streets, the gender segregation which has always existed this time around began to annoy me, the heat nearly destroyed my sanity and I slipped into a state of unconscious negativity, my glass was definitely half empty. It seemed everyone around me was frustrated and angry when three beautiful things occurred; firstly a girlfriend who lives in India six months out of each year and I were talking and I told her about my honeymoon ending with this country and she casually reminded me now was the time to work on the marriage, something deep inside knew I had to make peace with the country I call home. The second awakening happened when I was on the phone with my Mother complaining about another mundane day when she cracked me upside the head by calling me out on my constant "pissy-ness." And thirdly the teachings of Bashar found their way on to my IPad. They are not new teachings but their timing for reminding me of what needs to be done couldn't have come at a more needed time, divine intervention indeed.
I had fallen away from my year long Happiness Project all in the name of "adjusting" to life back here in India. In fact all of the things that brought me to India in the first place I seem to have fallen away from. So I've made a conscious effort to live according to my joy and have also recognized that it is often my thoughts and perceived definitions on situations that have kept me from joy, which is the connection to higher self.
It is an awakening of sorts I mean I've understood the law of attraction on an intellectual level for quite sometime but now it has permeated my cells. Simply put joy will attract more joy, it is simple physics like attracts like, time to start living the life I've always wanted...