I've stayed true to most of my goals, dancing each day, being silly more and generally just trying to not take anything to seriously, cause everything changes. Always. One of the few truths I live my life by, everything is constantly changing, good or bad, happy or sad, everything has it's present moment then moves on, it's up to us to decide how long we want to ride it, and I'm sticking with the fun waves. My children have benefited greatly from this, there is no more struggle to get them out the door or make them come inside when they want to play five minutes longer (okay sometimes there is still a struggle but I try to laugh at it instead of getting angry) having adventures and playing is so good for the soul and with the weather getting warmer in Canada we have been able to get outside which is always a good mood booster. My kids love being outdoors, as do I so I'm taking advantage of natures natural playgrounds and getting my kids out in the fresh air as often as possible.
Easter was magical despite chocolate infused toddlers, they were so excited. I know it has become much of a Hallmark holiday but these are my memories of the occasion. Chocolate, spring clothes and toys, I knew the Christan 'reason for the season' but never quite understood the correlation. I have read the Bible (along with many other religious teachings) and the core value of all is love. In the Bible Gospel of Mark it is stated " and they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”" Child like innocence, faith in the world, trust and love is something I am striving for. I don't understand where we lose it, why play isn't part of adulthood, when things became so serious. I watch my children love without reason, their ability to have fun and find joy in everything around them is Amazing and in a way my kids have become my role models, I want to love each and every day with reckless abandon just like these little starseeds.
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